Professional Development Modules: Beta Versions


The Center on Disability Studies’ Students with Disabilities as Diverse Learners project, funded by the US Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, shares Professional Development techniques to enhance faculty and student learning environments. With that in mind, we appreciate your willingness to review this beta test version of a Professional Development Module on Mentoring. We would appreciate any comments you would like to share. The more specific you can be (for example, referring to a specific Slide, such as Slide #14 and a specific issue, such as on Slide 14, a hyperlink for [fill in the blank] is not working). We would also appreciate any positive feedback as well. Directions and a link to an evaluation form are below and in the Module. If you prefer you may email Steve Brown, Project Coordinator, at Please note: this is a draft and is not ready to be shared beyond the beta test.

Please respond by: May 26, 2011

The best way to view the Module is to download the PowerPoint presentation below and View in Presentation Mode. When you have reviewed the module, please complete the online evaluation that can be linked to at the start and end of the module. The link is also below:


The Center on Disability Studies’ Students with Disabilities as Diverse Learners project, funded by the US Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, shares Professional Development techniques to enhance faculty and student learning environments. With that in mind, we appreciate your willingness to review this beta test version of a Professional Development Module on Multiculturalism. We would appreciate any comments you would like to share. The more specific you can be (for example, referring to a specific Slide, such as Slide #14 and a specific issue, such as on Slide 14, a hyperlink for [fill in the blank] is not working). We would also appreciate any positive feedback as well. Directions and a link to an evaluation form are below and in the Module. If you prefer you may email Steve Brown, Project Coordinator, at Please note: this is a draft and is not ready to be shared beyond the beta test.

Please respond by: May 19, 2011

The best way to view the Module is to download the PowerPoint presentation below and View in Presentation Mode. When you have reviewed the module, please complete the online evaluation that can be linked to at the start and end of the module. The link is also below: